world label awards 2014

World Label Awards Winners 2014



Label Winning Category

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Class 4: Flexo Wine/Spirits
Stratus Packaging, France
"Marquise Blanc Magnolia"

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Class 17: Digital Printing
Winner FINAT: Gráficas Varias, Spain
"Miss Tela "

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Class 22: Innovation
Schreiner Group, Germany
"Pharma-Tac Plus Label"

Honourable Mentions

Label Winning Category

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Class 3: Flexo Colour Process
Permapack AG, Switzerland
"Crème d´or Special 750ml"

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Class 7: Letterpress Colour Process
Çiftsan Etiket, Turkey
"Carjen Hand & Body Cream Moisturising"

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Class 15: Combination Colour Process
Omnipack AG, Switzerland
"Braumeister Speck"

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Class 16: Combination Wine/Spirits
Collotype Labels, Australia
"Griffith De Bortoli Wines – La Boheme"


Label Winning Category

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Class 12: Offset Wine/Spirits
Seieido Printing Co. Ltd., Japan

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Class 22: Innovation
Keiyusha Co. Ltd., Japan
"Glass Coating Indication"

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Class 5: Letterpress Line
Tokiwa Seal Printing Co. Ltd., Japan
"Headgear 03FATYO"

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Class 7: Letterpress Colour Process
Winner JFLP: Shimokuni Co. Ltd., Japan
"Japan Tea"

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Class 8: Letterpress Wine/Spirits
Sankyo Tac Label Co. Ltd., Japan
"Date Craft Beer"

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Class 13: Combination Line
Kansai Takara Printing Co. Ltd., Japan
"Marudaizy Soy Sauce"

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Class 15: Combination Colour Process
Winner JFLP: Miracle Industrial Co. Ltd., Japan
"Tiger for iPhone"

Honourable Mentions

Label Winning Category

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Class 16: Combination Wine/Spirits
Seieido Printing Co. Ltd., Japan

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Class 17: Digital Printing
Maru-Sin Inc., Japan
"Organic Shampoo"

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Class 18: Digital Wine/Spirits
MSP Inc., Japan

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Class 19: Screen
Sibel Industry Co. ltd., Japan
"Face Wash"


Label Winning Category

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Class 3: Flexo Colour Process
Multicolor (QLD), Australia
Lite n’ Easy Sesame Beef Noodles

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Class 8: Letterpress Wine/Spirits
Signature Labels, Australia
Stockwell Creek King Shot" Shiraz

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Class 18: Digital Wine/Spirits
Collotype (SA), Australia

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Class 21: Booklets
Multicolor (QLD), Australia
Beef Casserole Coupon

Honourable Mentions

Label Winning Category

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Class 12: Offset Wine/Spirits
CCL (SA) Australia
Rymill "The Dark Horse"


Label Winning Category

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Class 6: Letterpress Line Screen/Tone
Shanghai Tungkong Security Printing Co. Ltd., China
"Sticky Sealing on Cigarette"

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Class 14: Combination Line Screen/Tone
Wenhoo Haoge Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Co. Ltd. China,
"Labels for Guyue Longshan"


Label Winning Category

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Class 1: Flexo Line
McDowell Label & Screen Printing, USA
"Sweet & Sexy Bronzer"

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Class 2: Flexo Line Screen/Tone
Hammer Packaging Inc., USA
"Right Guard Xtreme Fresh"

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Class 16: Combination Wine/Spirits
Collotype, USA
"Girl & Dragon 2013 Malbec Argentina"

Honourable Mentions

Label Winners

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Class 15: Combination Colour Process
"Sunny and Share Citrus Saison"
  • About the competition

The World Label Awards is a global competition in which currently 7 continents are participating: USA (TLMI), Japan (JFLP), Europe (FINAT), Australia (FPLMA), New Zealand (SALMA) China (PEIAC) and India (LMAI). In order for companies to compete and to win an award, their entry has to win a prize in their own local label awards competition first, eg TLMI , FINAT, FPLMA, JFLP, SALMA or PEIAC. Each Association (Chairman of the jury) then selects entries for the WLA from their nominated or winning entries, which are judged and possibly rewarded with the World Label Association Award.

Past WLA Award Winners

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    Jan Pietersz. Coenstraat 7,

    2595 WP Den Haag,
